
Sunday, February 2, 2014

I Read "Living Juicy" by S.A.R.K.

Living Juicy: Daily Morsels for Your Creative SoulLiving Juicy: Daily Morsels for Your Creative Soul by S.A.R.K.
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Readers are supposed to read one page a day of this book, because in each page the author talks abut something that should be thought about and practiced. But I couldn't, and kept reading until I finished it, in approximately half a month. Now I can reread it as it should be read.

Living juicy is about finding the right and most delicous juice to nourish our creative souls, as the author says, and start seeing life differently. As a matter of a fact, it made me look at it in the innocent way I used to when I was a wee child, and eveyone can guess how delightful is that.During my read, I had to bear the wisdom tooth's dreadful pain, and the blissfully dear book made me forget it for few moments and relax. Yes! It can be that powerful!

All of its pages are ornamented with simple and beautiful drawings that inspired me to include some in my diary, and it turned out to be a very great idea.

S.A.R.K. offers in her book 52 lessons, to fit the 52 weeks of the year, and each page provides one part of the lesson of the week in question (I hope it makes sens for you), just so you get an idea about the book's curious structure.

I'd like to conclude with one of my favorite quotes that sums it all up:
"A day can shift into a profound place by the reading of a single perfect sentence, at the perfect time."

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