
Thursday, December 5, 2013

I Read "Dix Petit Nègres" (And Then There Were None) By Agatha Christie.

Dix petits nègres

Dix petits nègres by Agatha Christie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What is funny about my experience of reading this book is that I didn't even know that I was actually reading the famous "And Then There Were None" until it was mentioned by one of my good friends, as I was reading it in French, and as the title of the French version was different from the original one. It might not sound so funny to you but it was for me, and I got even more excited to finish the book after that.

It was so intriguing, and I bet that all of Agatha Christie's books are so, besides this novel made me contribute in the process of finding the culprit. As a matter of a fact, I found myself reading that rhyme more times that I care to remember, each time one of the guests dies and, of course, despite all the logical thinking I ended up getting it wrong.

I won't say more about it, because I think knowing nothing about the story is what would make it enjoyable for the reader.

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